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Elementor Archive (Blog)

To create your own Archive (blog) page with Elementor go to your WP Admin – Theme Builder – Archive and hit “Add new” button.

  1. Add your archive title
  2. Hit “Edit with Elementor” button
  1. Create your own archive (blog) page
  2. Use widgets “Blog & Archive Layout” – This will dynamically display the content of your posts. The Elementor editor displays dummy content.

In the Elementor editor you style only one post. The post design is repeated on archive (blog) pages.

  1. When you finish, save the post and go to WP Admin – Theme Builder – Settings and open “Archive” tab
  2. Set the Archive Elementor page
  3. You can define the boxed or full width layout
  4. If you need, define a sidebar (Created with Elementor)